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Save On Prison Calls

300 MINUTES: $13.95 / month
UNLIMITED: $19.95 / month

SaveOnPrisonCalls is a consulting company. Our main focus is helping friends and families of incarcerated individuals stay in contact with their loved ones at the lowest possible cost. Unfortunately, the majority of people, especially those new to the "system," are unaware they have options. We provide our customers with options, and hopefully save them a lot of money when it comes to staying in contact with their incarcerated loved ones.

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PrisonCallDeals July 29th, 2014
@Diana - Usually if you have the same area code as the prison your number is local. However, it isn't always the case, so then it's safe to say your number is local if you live within 15 miles of the prison. If not, your inmate is probably paying for a long distance call when he calls you. Then you should check out some of the services that offer to provide you with a local number, to the prison where the inmate is. Hope this helps!
diana morales July 28th, 2014
how do i know if my phone number is local (830) 765-0512

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