Parents in Prison

Reading articles from our BUZZ SECTION you have realized that we at PRISON CALL DEALS write a lot about the impact of communication with inmates on family. Since having a parent in prison can be extremely difficult for children, authors of Sesame Street created a heart-breaking video – from a child’s perspective.


By handling this difficult and stressful situation, grownups often forget about the silent victims in these situations. So be sure to watch this emotional and realistic take on the big life-changing challenge of having a parent behind bars:





Have you heard about the Storybook Project? It is a Texas based volunteer program that started in Austin in 2003 and targets the children of women who are imprisoned, since statistics show that one out of every five children of incarcerated parents also ends up in prison.


People behind this project strive to change this statistic by developing strong relationship between mothers and their children. Among other things, volunteers travel to the state female prisons and record an offender while she reads a story.


The mom also sends a short message to her child. The tape and the new book are then mailed to her child to help maintain the relationship while Mom is away. Please follow this link that depicts the true nature and importance of this project:


You can read more similar and motivating stories of successful inmate family issues, and other stories of inmate support, in our BUZZ section, and you can contribute to the discussion, by sending us your comments and contributions – YOUR VOICE!

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Posted by on September 23, 2014

Category: Inmate communication, Inmate family issues, Inmate support, Projects

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